Thursday, 26 January 2012


Oh hey blog. Looking awfully empty aren't we? That's okay now! We'll fix that in just a moment. And by we I obviously mean I.


So yeah I'm just another person giving blogging a shot. To be honest the Internet is getting really overwhelming with Twitter and Facebook and Youtube so I decided to start a good ol' blog.

I was born in Moscow, Russia. Yeah just some random little town no big deal or anything. I am currently living in Canada. I don't really know what I want from life yet. 

I have no idea if anyone is actually going to read this, but I hope at least someone will find this helpful or ineresting. Either way, I shall now write here like it is my diary even though I don't have one.


Russian Doll

(I know. I know. Way to try to sound like gossip girl. What, didn't I tell you? Cliche is my middle name!)

P.S. Please turn on your sarcasm detectors for the duration of being on my blog. Thanks a bundle)))

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